Inspired by those who send years in review in Christmas cards, I will now do a year in review. I started out 2006 by declaring shortly after midnight that I wanted to have my own independant massage therapy business by 2007. So I saved money in the first part of the year and then opened up in May. I am in a building near downtown Tallahassee and right next to the Department of Education, where I now go every Wednesday to do chair massages. I am sharing the office with Hannah, who is very nice and keeps a very nice-looking fishtank in the office. I also stated at the beginning of the year that I wanted to paint more, and I've painted something just about every month...I took two on one of the bigger ones. Reading was also on my list and I read the Isaac Asimov Foundation triology as well as Caves of Steel, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, and I think Ivanhoe was this year too. Rob and I also read The Princess and the Goblin together as well as Pride and Prejudice and other things I can't remember. So...I get gold stars for my last year's resolutions. I don't know what my resolutions are this year....ummm.....write on the blog - I'm doing that, Yay! I get ANOTHER gold star.

So, that's all I can remember from the beginning of the year, which is why I should probably do 1/2 years in review, or just generally write more often. In August we went to visit Scott and Anne-Marie in Salt Lake City, which was fun. It's a very nice city with lots of pretty mountains around. We went hiking, to the zoo and rode up to the top of a mountain on a cable car. The picture on the left I took while we were riding up on the cable car. It was hot, but very dry, which is nicer than Florida.
In the middle to later in the year Rob and Christopher entered Microsoft's Code Master Challenge and were one of 20 finalists in the world. They also started their own business together, Blue Sprie Consulting. I think that was around Sept/Oct that they officially did that. A link from this blog to their website will be coming soon!
Rob and I also learned how much fun it is to have squirrels chew holes through the siding of your house and get into your attic, spend a lot of money to replace the windows and siding of your house, paint the outside of your house yourself, and try fill in the places where the dirt washed away from under the foundation because all your grass died and your house is on a hill.

Let's see, I also took more fun pictures when I went to Savannah/Tybee Island with Jesse. I'm enjoying my new digital camera which I bought just before we went to Salt Lake City. In fact, I think it's one of my best purchases ever.
Other things probably happened last year, but I don't remember right now. Oh yeah, almost everyone I know had a baby. I have a lot of pictures of babies covering my fridge right now and they're all very cute and I love them. No, I don't know when I will have a baby.
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