Monday, April 16, 2007

Barren Words

So, people I know write in their blogs a lot. They might not consider it a lot, but I do. I have had a lot of trouble with wanting to write things down in the past... maybe 4 years. I used to journal all the time, especially in high school and the beginning of college. But now, I try to say express something in words and they just seem inadequate and barren. It can be different when you are talking to someone, although I generally don't speak as much as other people either. But when I do, expression, voice and the recognition and response of the other person let me know at least that perhaps what I'm saying is understood, if not expressed well. With a blog, it's like I'm writing into the void and it's strange.

I generally do the same things all the time. I massage people, I walk, I read, I paint, I swim, and it's all very lovely and nice, but I it doesn't leave me with much to particularly tell. Maybe I just don't try very hard.

I like swimming. When I first plunge into the water I am suddenly surrounded by the stillness that it provides and I am struck by the vast difference of it compared to the noise of the air. On a sunny day the light sparkles through the water and it's one of my favorite things. Then I surface and pull myself through 30 laps. Sometimes it's easier and I can still enjoy the water, and sometimes it's hard and all it's all I can do to will myself to keep going. The initial enjoyment always keeps me coming back for more.

So, that wasn't so hard. Maybe next time I'll muse about walking and trees and wind and things.


michellenotdawn said...

I think blogging can be like swimming, and dancing too. When you first start, you kind of watch how other folks do it and formulate ideas in your head. Then you jump in and start. At first, you're not so good at it, but the more you do it the better you get.
However, there aren't blogging lessons. Maybe there should be! Ooh, my big moneymaking idea has hit!

Thanks for allowing me to read your blog. I'm honored!

Spencer said...

Just for the record...I never think your words are barren. In fact, there are few enough of them, that I know they are potent and meaningful.

Anna E. said...

Yeah, I just have trouble feeling like I expressed what I wanted to.